Top Recruiter Organization

Placement process:-

Student Training :-
UNIRCO conducts mock interviews and workshops that help students prepare for their placement interviews. The training modules help students sharpen their communication skills, teach them what to expect in interviews, and how to prepare for them.

Industry Outreach :-
The Chief Recruitment Officer-CRO invites prospective organizations to participate in the Online/campus recruitment drive arrange by UNIRCO.

Job Application with Resume
The Students apply for jobs in the companies that they are interested in. The details of the graduating students opting for placements are shared with the recruiting organization, as per their requirement, along with a tentative, mutually convenient date for the campus interviews.

Pre Placement Discussion :-
As part of the Pre-Placement discussions, the recruiting companies conduct tests and/or group discussions etc. to short list students. In case physical presence is not possible, the processes are conducted virtually using our state-of-art audio/video meetings and conference facilities.

Interview, Selection & Placement :-
Finally, the organizations interview shortlisted students for final selection and announce the results as soon as possible (preferably on the same day), once the selection process is over.